Easy and Funny Couples Halloween Costume Ideas 2020

This 2020 is slowly coming to an end and October carries a date that many people have been waiting for so long! Halloween is finally around the corner and, if you plan to celebrate it, you should start thinking of the ideal costume.

This special blog was designed for couples. Yes, as you heard it! Choosing an easy Halloween costume for yourself is no big deal as there are hundreds of options out there, but if you are looking for couples Halloween costume ideas then the task is a bit more complicated and we are here to help you.

7 Easy and Funny Halloween Costume Ideas for Couples

The funniest part has come! Whether you are looking for a spooky or funny costume, these 5 ideas are simple, easy, and most important, creative! Get ready to rock this year’s Halloween party with the perfect Halloween costume for you and your partner.

1. Painter and canvas

This is a kind of abstract costume and a great idea if you are creative souls!

Painter: One of you can be wearing a beret and a beard, a brush on one hand, and a palette with different colors on the other hand.


Canvas: The other person can be wearing plain blue jeans or black trousers and a white t-shirt. Here comes the fun part: paint the t-shirt with a famous painting or you can just invent a pattern to become the painter’s canvas!

2. Popeye and Olivia

Go back to your childhood with this funny costume from a classic cartoon of all time!

Popeye: should wear a black t-shirt with a red collar and blue jeans. Add a tobacco pipe (it can be a real one or you can just make one out of paper and cardboard) and a tin that reads “spinach”. You can also draw some big muscles on your arms.

Olivia: a red long-sleeved shirt, a black skirt, and yellow earrings, and you’re done! For a special touch, you can imitate Olivia’s hairstyle.

3. Men in black

A classic movie everyone knows, Men in black will be easy and fun to imitate. Doesn’t really matter if you are men or women, you will look amazing anyway!

For this costume, both of you should wear black suits, white shirts, black ties, dark sunglasses, black shoes or trainers and, if you have one, bring your dog with a tiny tie! If you don’t have a dog, you can also take a teddy dog.

4. Old married couple

This is probably the easiest of the five ideas we gave you. Don’t have money to spend on a costume and want to do it quickly? Then this will be a great option: an old married couple in their pajamas, like a Sunday breakfast at home.

Woman: You can be wearing a nightgown, socks that match it, a pink robe, and some hair rollers for a domestic look.

Man: a two-piece pajama, socks, and a robe.

In addition, both of you can be wearing slippers and holding a coffee mug.

5. Silent film stars

This costume will take you back to Charles Chaplin’s times and his timeless black and white style. You can recreate Chaplin’s style with a man and woman couples costume.

Man: dress up as Chaplin! A black suit with a white t-shirt and tie. A mustache and a small black hat.

Woman: try to imitate the 20’s fashion. A Charleston dress and headband, a pearl necklace and shoes, all in black color.

Both of you can use white powder to make your faces look whiter. In addition, each of you can hold a black sign with a phrase.

6. Firefighter and rescued puppy

This is probably the sweetest costume ever, not to mention how creative it is. You both can dress up as a puppy or kitten and a firefighter who rescued the animal.

Firefighter: you will need to wear yellow clothes or you can wear your regular pants and add some yellow lines at the bottom of each leg and then a red helmet.

Puppy: You can wear a white t-shirt, a black skirt, black leggings and then add some black spots (you can either paint them or sew black paper) on your t-shirt. Besides, make sure you add some ears to a headband and you can paint your nose black and draw some whiskers on your cheeks.

7. 2020 and COVID-19

If you want to wear the most creative Halloween costume of all times, then why not “honoring” this terrible year? Dress up as 2020 and its famous COVID-19.

2020: You can write or paint the number 2020 on a white t-shirt or, if you have more time, you can cut the numbers on cardboard, paste them together and attach them to your body. Also, make sure you have eye bags, messy hair, and slippers. Oh! And the facemask, for sure!

COVID-19: Same as the 2020 costume, you can either draw the virus on a t-shirt or make it out of cardboard (if you google “virus drawing” you will find some ideas to copy). You can paint your face green and make sure you look angry and evil!

With these 7 creative, fun, and easy Halloween costume ideas for couples, you will surely rock the party this year! Just make sure you have enough time to start planning them!


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